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Office Sup't Freedmen's
Schools for Arkansas,
Little Rock March 4th 1866.

[[left margin]]Howard[[/left margin]] Emeline Howard,
Springfield, Mo.

Dr. Madam:-

Your letter of Feby 14th in which you express a fear that you are to be deprived of the building you now occupy as a School-room, and ask the interference of General Sprague to prevent such an occurrence, has been placed in my hands to be answered.

I would say in reply that the buildings in charge of Mrs Phelps at Springfield were obtained from the government through the official influence of Gen'l Sprague upon representations made to him by parties there and were placed in charge of Mrs. P. for the joint benefit of Refugees and Freedmen, and the General desires that they be not appropriated exclusively to the use of either class but that they continue to be used for the benefit of both.

If Mrs. Phelps deems it best to occupy your building for other purposes She will doubtless see that you are provided with another suitable room that your school may continue without interruption.  In no case Should your School be closed for want of room while a government building remains in Springfield.

Should you be interrupted in your work, please inform me without delay and I will lay the facts before General Sprague


who still has jurisdiction in Missouri, Although, the State having a loyal Governor and Legislation it is assumed that the freedmen and their teachers will receive the same protection from the civil authorities that others receive.

Do not be discouraged - and do not hope for too much.  The world is slow in learning justice and righteousness.

With much respect, I am,
Very truly Yours,
Wm M. Colby
Gen'l Sup't Fr. Schools.

F. 2 & 3

Office Gen'l Sup't Fr. Schools
for Arkansaas.
Little Rock, Mar. 14. 1866.

Sargent Wilson & Hinkle


McGuffy's Readers and Ray's Arithmetics are in a large number of the schools here and I contemplate making no change provided a satisfactory arrangement can be made for supplying all points in the State, except Helena, from a general depository at this place.

Other books besides those names will, I trust, Soon be needed in our Schools.

Please this office at your earliest convenience with your best terms, and oblige

Yours very truly,
Wm. M. Colby
Gen'l Sup't Fr. Schools

Sargent, Wilson & Hinkle
Cincinnati, Ohio