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Office Supt. Freedmen's
Schools for Arkansas.
Little Rock March 22, 1866.

Rev J.M. Walden
Sec'y Western Dept
Am. Fr. A. Commission
Chicago, Ill.

Dr Sir:
As Gen. Sprague desires to obtain monthly reports from all Refugee and Freedmen Schools in his District will you be so kind as to favor me with the names and address of all Agents Superintendents and teachers employed by you in the State of Missouri.
I am with much respect
Your obedient Servt.
WM Colby
Gen'l Supt Fr. Schools
L: 16

Office Gen'l Supt Fr. Schools
Little Rock Ark.
Mch 23rd 1866.

Mr. L Johnson,
Supt Schools, Helena Ark. 

Will you please transmit to me a written monthly report of the Schools under your charge commencing with March 1866. The report need not be a long one, but Should give, concisely, the condition and the prospects of the Schools - the encouragements you receive, and the obstacles that impede your progress. Let the first embrace, in addition a brief history of the Schools.
Very truly yours,
W.M. Colby
L: 15

Office Gen. Supt Schools.
Little Rock Ark. Apr. 10 1866

Capt. T.J. Abel,
Sup't. Ref. & Freedmen,
Ft Smith, Ark.,
Three or four teachers, "Friends", have been ordered by their Commission to report at this place for duty in Arkansas. If two of the number Should prove Sufficiently experienced, etc. I hope to Establish them in Ft. Smith. 
I have the honor to ask that when Suitable rooms are provided for the Schools you will telegraph me to that effect.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient Serv't
W.M. Colby
Sup't of Schools

Of. Gen. Supt in Schools
Little Rock Ark. Apr. 2, 1866

I have the honor to enclose herewith black School Report prepared by direction of Major Gen. O.O. Howard Com, for use in Freedmen and Refugee Schools, and to request the printing of three hundred (300) copies for the use the schools in this State.
Very respectfully yours
W.M. Colby
Gen'l Supt Sch's Ark.