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Office Gen'l Sup't for Schools
for Ark., Bureau R. F. & A.L.,
Little Rock, April 26th 1866.

Capt. Ed. G. Wallace, V.R.C.
Supt Ref. & Freedmen
Pine Bluff, Ark.,

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication of April 22nd in which you make certain statements concerning the Rev. Millard, and ask that he be relieved. 

I would respectfully State in reply, that the Rev. gentleman named holds no appointment whatever from this Office, and that he is in no way connected with any department of the Freedmen's Bureau. He must stand upon his own merits, or fall. It is true I encouraged him to go forward and establish a School at Pine Bluff, knowing that more School accommodations were needed there, and believing him to be a man of sincere respectability and talent.

It is to be hoped that nothing will be tolerated in your district, or elsewhere in the State, that tends to bring the Freedman Schools into disrepute. They must be kept up to a high Standard of morals; and to this end I trust that all cases of moral dereliction on the part of those who are, or who claim to be, connected with these Schools, be Summarily disposed of.

As Gen'l Sprague has written you upon this matter I need not extend this com. further.

I am Sir, Very Respectfully, Your Ob't. Serv't.
Wm M Colby,
Gen'l Sup't Fr. Schools

F. 21


Office Gen'l Supt Fr. Schools
Little Rock Ark May 1st 1866

Col. Arnold
Comdg U.S. Arsenal
Little Rock, Ark.,


I have the honor to request if not inconsistent with the good of the Service, that you will grant the School Department of the Freedmen's Bureau the privilege of occupying a portion of the Arsenal Park for a School Pic-nic.

Our teachers are laboring Earnestly and Efficiently, under many discouragements, to bring the Schools up to a high Standard of Excellence, and are being very Successful.

From personal acquaintance with the Schools I feel assured the deportment of the children will be most creditable to themselves and their teachers.  They will be accompanied by the City Superintendent, Mr. E.M. Butler, and by their teachers; and did not official duties call me from the city Should also be present myself.  

Be so kind as to answer to the bearers, Mr. Butler and Miss Cull.

I Am Colonel, Very Respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
Wm M. Colby
Sup't Fr. Schools for Ark.
Bureau R. Fr. and A.L.