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Office Gen'l Sup't of Schools
Little Rock Ark May 18" 1866.

Capt. Thos J. Abel.
Supt. Ref. and Freedmen.
Ft Smith Ark.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of yours of April 17," and to say in reply that the teachers mentioned in my former com. reported here but were too feeble to go as far as Ft. Smith, and they have returned to Indiana. It is now very doubtful if teachers can be secured for that point before Autumn. Although I hope to secure more laborers at that time there is much uncertainty about the matter unless the Friends will undertake to supply the field which I hope they may be induced to do, for they are our best workers.

The School Reports for April show a very favorable state of things. No School has been forcibly interrupted in its operations to my knowledge during this year, and not one has required a guard to protect it. Thirty teachers report an enrollment of Sixteen hundred pupils for April, against Twenty five [[strikethrough]] pupils [[/strikethrough]] teachers and Thirteen hundred pupils for March. We have in this city Five hundred pupils enrolled, and our teachers meet weekly for improvement.

Mr & Mrs. Moore have returned to the North and Miss J.P. Moore is now in charge of the Asylum. I will with pleasure present to the latter your regards.

I am Captain, with respect,
Yours truly,
Wm M Colby
Gen'l Sup't of Schools for Ark.

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Helena Ark. May 9" 1866.
Capt. H. Sweeney,
Supt Ref. and Freedmen,
Helena Arkansas.

I have the honor to request that you will appoint Mr. Calvin Clark Superintendent of Freedmen's Schools for the city of Helena and vicinity, vice Lovejoy Johnson removed from the city.

I am Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant,
Wm M Colby
Gen'l Superintendent Fr. Sch's
Bureau R F and A L