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Office Gen Supt Sch's.
Little Rock June 25" 1866.

I have the honor to State by request of Major Dawes that I know of no teachers to supply Dardanelle at present.

The School year is just closed and the Commission teachers will soon go north. Should I be so fortunate as to secure more teachers in the Autumn I will not forget your place.

Very Respectfully,
Wm M Colby
Gen. Supt Fr. Schools.

Capt Wm Morgan V R C
Supt. Ref. and Freedmen
Dardanelle, Ark.

Office Gen. Supt. Sch's
Little Rock Ark. June 3/66.

Rev. N.F. Baird,
New Orleans, La.

Dear Sir: Agreeably to your request I have the honor to Enclose to your address to-day a copy of my Report of Freedmen's Schools in Arkansas for the month of May 1866. The Report for June will not vary materially from this one. If I can serve you, or the cause you represent, in the future be pleased to command me at any time.

Very Truly Yours,
Wm M. Colby
Gen. Sup't Fr. Sch's for Ark.


Office Gen'l Supt Schools
Little Rock Ark July 11. 1866.

Rev. J M Walden,
Secretary West D.A Fr A C
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir:
I have a letter from one of your commissioned teachers who is near Pine Bluff Ark. - Miss Cate B. Tenney - Stating that she has been unsuccessful in her efforts to communicate with her Society. She has written you, substantially, as follows:

She had given previous to June Six months Service - Commission expires in July - has no funds Either to pay Expenses in the field or to return - desires to remain but needs some, if only a small amount, of funds to pay necessary Expenses. She has received a pass on the boats but no orders nor advice - prefers to remain in the field during the Summer.

I have not met Miss Tenney but I know her to be a most unselfish and faithful missionary
I Am very Respectfully
Your obedient Servt
W M Colby
Supt Fr School Ark.