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hour thus gained it was Suggested if not otherwise occupied could given to missionary work among the families of the colored people.

The importance of paying the tuition of their children and, generally, of receiving nothing as a gift which they could possibly pay for, has been urged upon the freedmen and the attention of the teachers called to the importance of the Same also, and reasons given (which need not be repeated to your Committee) why the matter should receive attention  at once and constantly. 

It is believed that this has Saved many dollars to your treasury and taught the freedmen at the Same time lessons of Economy and Self-dependence.

Second, in respect to the future - It is important that the Commission that occupies Little Rock Should do so with sufficient force and means to operate a graded School the higher department of which Should be of a normal character for the training of the better class of pupils for teachers - the principal of this department to have a general Supervision of the whole.


I shall do all in my power to Secure buildings Suitable and properly located for this purpose to the Society that will undertake to furnish the Same and Supply the teachers; and I desire that it Should be your Society.

With the policy above indicated this ought not to occasion a greater outlay by the Society of Friends than last year at Little Rock.

In future Certificates will be issued to teachers of Freedmen's Schools by the Gen'l Sup't of Schools or an Agent of the Bureau authorized by him.  It is believed that this will promote the efficiency of all the Schools.  I will forward you circular and form of Certificate as Soon as they reach me from the printer.

Please furnish me as Soon as may be after your arrangements are made for the next year, with officil lists of the names of your teachers in Arkansas, the branches they are expected to teach, and the time for which they are engaged.

I shall return to the South in ten or twelve days and can be addressed mean time "Care of Rev. J.R. Shipherd, 29 Lombard Block Chicago." Expect to see Rev. Mr. Shipherd on my return to the South and Shall then know what the Am. Miss. Assn.        

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edited: removed [[underline]] no longer required, read current instructions