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yet been done on the schoolhouse. the health of the freed people is not as good as could be desired, and much sickness is anticipated."
Two days since transportation was sent all your teachers at Pine Bluff and vicinity. Mr. Casey does not desire to return. Miss Earhart has not complied with the second condition prescribed by the Commissioner, Viz. six months service in the field.
Miss Cate B. Tenney has heretofore done excellent missionary work, but her teaching qualifications are exceedingly limited. I do not forget that I am responsible for her return here the present season, and hence will take the liberty to say that I shall not feel justified in recommending her return to the field in the future. 
I respectfully call your attention to names mentioned above by the Agent as desirable laborers.
Very truly yours
Wm. M Colby
Supt. Ed. Ark.
File 170 - 1867

Office Supt. of Education
Little Rock, July 31st, 1867

Page Brevt. Col. Henry,
A.Q.M. & Disb. officer,
Dist. of Arkansas
I have the honor to transmit with my postage account for June & July 1867.


The account is larger in consequence of sending out (at suggestion of the Asst. Commissioner,) circulars containing statistical report of schools to all newspapers, agents, &c, in the state.
I am,
very respectfully, 
Your Obt. Servt.
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education of Ark.

Office Sup. of Education
Little Rock Ark. Aug 1st, 1867.

Bennett Bvt. Brig. Gen'l Jno. E.
Act'g Ass't Adg't Gen'l.
Dist. of Arkansas
I have the honor to endorse herewith list of teachers on duty in Arkansas August 1st 1867. 
Very respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant.
Wm. M Colby
Supt. Education for Arkansas

Office Sup. of Education
Little Rock, Ark. August 1st 1867

Bennett Bvt Brig. Gen. Jno. E.
A.A.A.G. Dist. of Ark.
I have the honor to enclose herewith requisition for stationary for the office of Supt of Education for the Month of August 1867.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obt. Servt.
Supt. of Education

Transcription Notes:
Edited: added page numbers, filled in blanks, Wm. is short for William, Jno is a form of John, per SI use [[?]] if word not know not [?[, Brevt is for Brevet a military title, AQM is assistant quarter master, Disb. is Disbursing,