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Office Supt. of Education
Little Rock Ark. Aug 5, 1867

Bennett Brevt. Brig. Gen. Jno. E.
A.A.A. General Dist. of Ark
I have the honor most respectfully to ask that Rev. E. K. Miller, Asst. Supt. of Education, now on duty at Pine Bluff, be placed in charge of this office until my return from Wisconsin about the tenth or fifteenth of September ensuing.
I am Sir,
very respectfully, Your Obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. of Education Ark.

Office Supt. of Education
Little Rock, Aug. 5th. 1867

Walker Lt. James R. }
Agent, B.R.F. & A.L.
Marrion, Ark.

Your letter of the 1st inst is rec'd. In reply I would say it is the policy of the Bureau to make "lost payments" in such cases. Let the freed people not only subscribe all they are able to, but expend on land owned by themselves. When it appears that this has been done and a request is made for a definite sum (the minimum necessary to complete the building,) the Assistant Commissioner can act upon the case with out delay.
I rejoice at the evidence of progress in the educational work in your district and 


assure you of my sympathy and cooperation.
Very respectfully Yours,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. of Education.
File 114.

Office Supt. of Education
Little Rock, Ark. Aug 6th. 1867.

Bennett Brevt. Brig. Gen. John E
A.A.A General Bu. F. & A.L. Dist. Ark.
I have the honor to enclose herewith for the approval or other action of the Commissioner vouchers for the transportation of Alfred White, Lizzie Evans, Maggie Farrar, Denison Howard, Thomas Howell, and Emma Carhart, teachers of Freedmen, with explanation endorsements thereon. These vouchers amount to the aggregate to $118.65, and were all in the office of the Supt. of Education previous to the reception of orders cutting off Accounts of this nature, to wit, Circular 22, dated War Dep't Washington, July 1st. 1867, which was received here July 12, 1867.
I am Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt, of Education for Ark
E. B. 69.

Office Supt. Education, Ark.
Little Rock, Ark. Aug. 7th. 1867.

Miller Rev. E. R. }
A. Supt. Ed. Ark. }
Pine Bluff, Ark.  }
(Telegram) - Come up immediately - for North soon.
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Education, Ark. 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: added page numbers, filled in blanks, Wm. is short for William, Jno is a form of John, per SI use [[?]] if word not know not [?[, Brevt is for Brevet a military title, AQM is assistant quarter master, Disb. is Disbursing,