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Office Supt. Education
Little Rock Ark 
Sept. 26th 1867

Pierce, McGill:
Washington D.C.

Dear Sir:
I regret to learn, by your favor of the 12th inst. just received, that you have concluded not to return to Arkansas; but having come to that conclusion I am glad to be notified of the fact. Should you hereafter conclude to teach please remember Arkansas

Hoping you may be very successful in qualifying yourself for a large field of usefulness,

I remain,
Truly Yours
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education

File 205

Office Supt. Education
Little Rock Ark.
Sept. 26th 1867

Casey, D. C.
Washington Ark.

Dear Sir:
I am in receipt of yours of the 12th and am glad to hear that you have resumed operations. Thanks for the weekly report: hereafter make only monthly reports if you please, unless further advised, as very few schools are yet in operation.


I had the pleasure of conferring with Mr. Shipherd two weeks ago in Chicago concerning school matters in my district, during which nearly every teacher sent out by the A. M. A. was mentioned, among them my friend at Washington, whom I have never had the pleasure of meeting.
I am sure Mr. Shipherd is disposed to be just to you if not generous. I remember only the purport of his remarks which were commendatory of your past labors, and encouraging to you in respect to the future.
I think you can depend upon receiving fair compensation. I will have Mr. Miller (The State Agt. of the A.M.A.) present the matter to Mr. Shipherd, but in the mean time you must make the school just as nearly self supporting as possible.
It is my design to have a representative from this office visit the S.W. part of the S.W. part of the state during the next month.
Resp. and Truly Yours,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education
File 200

Transcription Notes:
Wm. M. Colby