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Office Supt. Education
Little Rock Ark.
Oct 14th 1867.
Thibaut. F. W.
Agent &c
Washington Ark.
Your report of school matters dated the 10th inst. is just received and contains precisely the information that is always needed at this office, and assures me that the Agent at Washington continues as heretofore fully alive to the school interests of the freedmen.
You have placed the financial management right where it belongs- with the freedmen themselves. Congress has probably made the last appropriation to aid in this work; now let the freemen show their appreciation of what the Government has done for them by generously helping themselves. 
Your action in prohibiting the use of the school building for meetings of all kinds is judicious. I have already written you that the liquid slate awaits your order at the Express office in this city- charges $20.00.
Wood has never been furnished to schools by the Bureau in this district, though I am not prepared to say that the Asst. Com. would not for good reasons, and as an exceptional case, authorize a moderate expenditure for that purpose.
I know of no benevolent Society 


that is now furnishing supplies of clothing or material for the same. Probably any supplies for Washington could only be secured by special efforts made to supply that particular point. I will see what can be done.
Rev. E.K. Miller, Asst. Supt. of Education started on a tour of inspection and labor South-westward today and will probably reach Washington the 19" or 20" of the present month. He is an earnest and practical worker, and I bespeak for him such aid as you may be able to render. I suggest the propriety of dedicating your School house during his stay at Washington. An interest could be awakened on such an occasion that would not only benefit your own locality but extend to other neighborhoods.
I am, Major
Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. of Education
File 224 - 1867.

Office Supt. Education
Little Rock, Ark.
October 16th 1867.
Hall, George
Arkadelphia. Ark.
Dear. Sir:
Yours of the 12th inst. is at hand and contents noted with regret. You will learn from any letter to the Agent (of the 11th inst.) that it is our intention to do