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work in each place by advising in the election of the School Board, selections of a site so no action that can be reasonably asked of this office shall be wanting to supplement your own efforts and the contributions of the freedmen and their friends. In many places land owners are willing to contribute to the good work by donating a school house site. It is not our province to inquire into their motives for doing this; we shall endeavor to harmonize conflicting interests and join hands with men of all parties for the furtherance of the noblest work that ever engaged the attention of man.
Hoping to hear from you again
I am,
Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wm. M. Colby
Supt of Education
E.B. 87 and 88   File 242-1867

Office Supt. Education
Little Rock Ark.
November 7th 1867
Thorp, J.L
Agent B.R.J. and A.L.
Camden, Ark.
The information contained in yours of the 2nd inst. has been communicated to Mr. J. R. Shipherd. It is probable the teachers named will be ordered to Camden. When further information is received at this office I will advise you.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education
File 244 Y. G. 261

Office Supt. Education
Little Rock Ark.
November 7th 1867
Benson, Mer. G. W.
Agent Bn. R.J. and A.L.
Lake Village, Ark.
Yours of the 26th Oct. is at hand and contents noted. In reply I would pay that if we had teachers to send and they were wanted Chieor county we should send them in spite of threats and intimidation. The time for the effectual use of such weapons to keep out the sunlight of truth has passed. We never had but one teacher frightened from his field in Arkansas, and now the white citizens of that place on their knees (I speak figuratively) begging for the establishment of a freedmen's school.
My advice is that whenever the freedmen want a school and the planter approved you establish one, employing any man or woman of good character, black or white, who has mastered the First Reader, [[?]] teaches it
Very respectfully, your obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. of Education
File 240 – 1867