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Office Supt Education
Little Rock, Ark
December 2nd 1864

Page, Brevet Lt. Col. Henry
Disbursing Officer [[?]]B. R. Fv.A. L[[?]]
Little Rock, Arkansas
I have the honor to enclose herewith order for the transportation of Mr. A Hubbard teacher, from Memphis Tenn. to Pine Bluff Ark. with Mr Hubbard's endorsement showing why the same was not used.
Very respectfully
Mr. M Colby
Supt Education

Office Supt Education
Little Rock Ark
December 3rd 1864

Barnard, Hon. Henry
Commissioner Bu. of Education
Washington D.C.
Having been informed by Hon. A. J. Craig, Asst Supt of Education for Wisconsin that a pamphlet has recently been issues by yourself containing the Constitutional Provision on Education of each state in the Union, I have the honor respectfully to ask that a copy of the same may be forwarded to my address as above. 
I should also be very greatly obliged for any other documents that 
will aid us in establishing out Public School System under the new order of things.
Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Mr. M. Colby
State Supt Education
Bu R. F. + A. L.

Office Supt Education
Little Rock, Ark
December 4th 1864

Page, Henry
Disb. Officer etc.
Little Rock Ark.
I have the honor respectfully to state that three tables with drawers and locks, two stoves, six chairs, and a gallon of liquid slaling[[?]] will be required to complete the Pine Bluff school house and I suggest the Agent at Pine Bluff be authorized to furnish the same without delay, as the teachers have arrived from the North and are prepared to open the school.
Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Mr. M. Colby
Supt Education

Teile 262-1867