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Office Supt. Education
Little Rock, Ark.
Dec. 6th 1867.

Farrar, Miss Maggie:
I take pleasure in enclosing herewith to your address a draft on the Merchant's National Bank of Little Rock for Fifty Dollars ($50.00) Possibly some merchant or banker in Van Buren will cash it for you - otherwise the National bank at Fort Smith will do so.
I trust that this will find you well, and that I shall soon learn from your November report that your school continues the flourish.
Very truly Yours,
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education

Office Supt. Education
Little Rock, Ark.
December 6th 1867.

Bennett, Brevet Brig. Gen'l Jno E. 
A. A. A. Gen'l Bur. R. F and A.L.
Little Rock, Arkansas
I have the honor to return herewith transportation acount of Elisha M. Butler, Kizzie D. Hunt, Sarah Jones, and Emma Hubbard, teachers, with certificates properly signed.
Very respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. of Education
E. B. 91, 92- 1867


Office Supt. Education
Little Rock, Ark.
December 14th 1867.
Smith, V.V.
Agent B. R. F and A. L.
Lewisville Lafayette Co. Ark.
I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of letter from Jacob R. Shipherd, Sec'y Am. Miss. Association concerning a teacher for Lewisville.
"I have engaged Mr. Samuel Baldwin to teach at Lewisville as recommended by Mr. Miller. Mr. Baldwin is commended to me in very high terms as a man of sterling merit. He will leave here in about three weeks and if the school house is ready will be able to begin work immediately after arrival. Please notify Capt. Smith and request him to engage Mr. Baldwin a boarding place. Mr. B. relies on the assurance of self support given in Mr. Miller's letter."
Will you please see that a school building is ready for occupancy by the 1st of January 1868 (See Circular 21 C.S.) and also note Mr. Shipherd's request in regard to board. When the school is opened I trust all parties interested will see to it that Mr. Baldwin is generously sustained and compensated.
Very Respectfully, Etc. 
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education
File 267-1867.

Transcription Notes:
Edited: Wm is short for William, William M. Colby,