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reports of schools in Arkansas for November 1867.
I am,
Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
W.M. Colby
Supt. of Education

Office Supt. Education
Little Rock Ark.
December 23rd 1867.

Hitchcock, Mary B.
New Gascony Ark.
It gives me pleasure to acknowledge your favor of the 17th inch and I shall be equally well pleased to hear from you each month.
May reports of the various schools in the State might be much fuller and more favorable is I could hear often from the teachers.
I enclose six blank school reports to your address to day.
Very truly Yours
W.M. Colby
Supt. of Education

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Office Supt. Education
Little Rock Ark.
December 23rd 1867.

Willis Lieut. H.G.
Agent Eli Rocky Comfort,
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 16th inch stating that three lady teachers are wanted by responsible planters in your district.
I shall communicate with the Secretary of the Association by first mail and have no doubt that the teachers will be duly sent. This may be expected the latter part of January. Please see that school rooms are in [[?]] for them by that time.
Very respectfully Your
W.M. Colby
Supt, of Education
Tili 279 - 1867

Office Supt. Education
Little Rock Ark.
December 23rd 1867

Shipherd], Rev. J. R.
Secretary Etc.
Chicago Ill.
Three enterprising Northern planters near Rocky Comfort sever county Ark. desire to establish schools for the benefit of their laborers and their laborer's chil-