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Little Rock, Ark.
January 22d 1868

Alvord, Rev. J.W
Gen'l. Supt Schools 
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir: 
Anticipating that a meeting of Superintendents of Education in the South would be called by the Commissioner and Gen'l Supt. of Schools, I have for sometime deferred action on the subject of School text books.
As Circular letter No. 8, dated Dec. 23rd 1867, calls attention to "selection of books and full supply thereof" I would respectfully inquire if the Same array not be furnished to destitute schools under the head of "repairs."
I have the honor to be
Very resp'y Your Obedient Servant
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education
L.R. 50 1868
File 10 Febr'y 1868

Little Rock, Ark. 
January 23rd, 1868
Smith. Brevet Brig Gen'l C.H.
Asst. Commissioner B. R.F. & A.L.
Little Rock, Ark.
I have the donor to request transportation for Mr. J.H. Scovill teacher from Pendleton P.O. Arkansas county to Camden Ark via Little Rock.
The unsettled state of affairs and the destitution among the freedmen in the Arkansas valley renders this change necessary.
I am Sir
Very respectfully
You obedient Servant
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education
File 20 Jan. 1868
L.R. 23. 1868  


Little Rock, Ark. 
January 23rd, 1868
Page. Col. Henry.
Disbursing Officer etc.
My fuel requisition for December 1867 called for one cord of wood of which three fourths only has been delivered.
I shall be obliged if you will ascertain who is at fault and have the deficiency supplied I need the fuel at once.
I have the honor to be
Respectfully Yours.
Wm M Colby.
Supt Education

Little Rock, Ark. 
January 23rd, 1868
Casey D.C.
Washington Ark.
Dr. Sir,
As requested in your favor of the 16th inst I send to day by mail prepaid 1/2 doz. McGuffeys 3rd Readers at 3.80 + .60 = $4.40.
As the question of Geographies is under advisement I wish you would wait for them till it is settled if you can without detrement to your classes - but if you can not let me know and I will send them.
Very truly Yours
Wm M. Colby.
Supt. Etc.
L.R. 21 - File 18 Jan. 1868 

Transcription Notes:
L.R. = Letters Received