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Little Rock Ark. 
Jan. 24th. 1868

Smith, Brevet Brig. Gen'l C. H.
Assistant - Commissioner
Little, Rock, Ark.

I have the honor to transmit herewith Narrative and Statistical reports of Schools for December 1867. 
Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education

Little Rock, Ark. 
Jan'r'y 25th 1867. 

Bennet, Bt. Brig. Genl. Jno. E.
A.A.A. General B.R. F. & A. L.
Little Rock, Ark. 

I have the honor to request transportation for Mrs. Mary B. Stewart and Miss D. J. Getman, teachers, from Little Rock to Rocky Comfort Ark. enroute from Chicago Ill. to Rocky Comfort Arkansas.
These persons are commissioned by the Am. Miss. Association and had transportation to this city. 
I am very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education


Little Rock Ark.
Januy 25th, 1868

Bennett, Bvt. Brig Genl. Jno. E.
A.A.A. General B. R. F. and A. L. 
Little Rock, Ark. 

Concerning "Special report in regard to condition of affairs relating to freedmens School at Camden" by Mr. J. S. Thorp Agent I have the honor to submit the following: 
1. -The statement of Mr. Thorp that he had received a communication from Mr. Colby revoking Mr. Purdy's Commission, is not true- Mr. Purdy held no Commission from me, hence there was none for me to revoke. 
2. -The statement that I revoked the Said Commission on a false charge of intoxication is not true. I made no such charge. What I wrote to Mr. Thorp is given in the copy of my letter herewith enclosed, marked "C." (L.S.#1)
3. - Although explicity requested by Rev. J. R. Shipherd, Sec'y. of the Am. Miss. Assoctn to "deal summarily" with Mr. Purdy in case he exhibited "any signs of moral unfitness for his work," I declined to do so and referred the matter to Rev. E.K. Miller, State Agent of the Association. A full statement from Mr. Miller of the action he took in the premises is herewith enclosed marked "A". (E. 16.17.18.) Mr. Shipherd's letter above alluded to is likewise enclosed marked "B". (J 2 . Jan. 1868) In a subsequent communication Mr. Shipherd again requests that Mr. Purdy's Commission be revoked. This letter is also herewith transmitted marked "D." (F. 22. Jan 68)
As Mr. Thorp appears to be ignorant of the relations which should and do exist between this department and the various educational Aid Associations, I respectfully remark: 
First, that the act to continue in force the freedmen's Bureau, passed July 16th, 1866, Specially provides (see Sec. 13) that the same shall co-operate with benevolent associations in behalf of freedmen "and with