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Little Rock Ark. March 10/68
Symons, Mr. John
Helena Ark.
Dear Sir:
I send you herewith the papers on mental Arithmetic and Orthography. The teachers of the Asylum are to be examined on these and the teachers at Helena on all
When a paper is given out it should be finished at one sitting and no communication had with persons or books.
In returning the papers please state whether these conditions were complied with. Under the circumstances it will be necessary for yourself to omit the tenth question in orthography.
Very truly Yours,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Education.
L.R. 90 - 1868

Little Rock, Arkansas
March 10th 1868
Alvord, Rev. J. W.
Gen'l Supt. of Schools
Washington D.C.
In compliance with your request I have the honor to forward herewith a certified list of teachers of freedmen's schools in Arkansas who are authorized to purchase subsistance stores under the same rules as officers of the Army. I would remark that changes occur in this list each month, and that the Assistant Commissioner is furnished with the same monthly.
I am Sir Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant.
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. of Education


Little Rock, Arkansas
March 11th 1868
Scovill, James A
Camden Ark.
Dear Sir: I was glad to find yours of the 3rd inst: among my letters received on returning from Helena. Am also glad to hear of the rush to the school. I question the propriety of receiving an unlimited number of pupils without an assistant. But as the room is large and the circumstances rather novel I shall trust largely to your judgement in the premises. I feel a deep interest in the success of the Camden School and have addressed a note to Mayor or ex-Mayor Newton on the subject of a school house. You may remember that I wished to see the Mayor and Council when there, but failed to do so.
Your need of a better blackboard is not forgotten. With best wishes for your success in your good work I am
Very truly Yours,
Wm M. Colby.
Supt Education
L.R. 67. - 1868

Little Rock Arkansas
March 12th 1868
Symons, John,
Helena Ark.
Dear Sir:
I would respectfully request that you report your night school on a separate blank from your day school for the month of March and thereafter. Also please be particular to sign all reports.
Most truly yours,
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt Education

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