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Little Rock, Arkansas
March 27th 1868

Habicht; A. E.
Arkadelphia, Ark. 

I am in receipt of yours of the 25th informing me of the decree of the court relating to land  title, and when copy of deed to School Board is forwarded to Hd. Qrs. shall be glad to furnish plan for the school house. You can make application for and direct to the Assistant Commissioner. Will you please furnish me memorandum of the prices of labor and building materials at Arka?
I have the honor to be
Very resp'y etc
Wm. M. Colby
Supt Education
L.R. 86 & 129 - 1868

Little Rock Arkansas.
March 27th 1868

Miller, Rev. E K.
Asst Supt Education
Fort Smith, Ark.

Your favor of the 23rd inst is at hand. I advise that Dr. Duvall's offer be accepted if you find it impossible to get a larger site: but twice the size would be ten times as good. On no condition would I accept a site half a mile from town.
Resp'y Yours
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt. Education.
L.R. 86 & 111 - 1868.


Little Rock, Arkansas.
March 27th 1868

Shipherd, Rev. J.R.
Sec'y Am. Miss. Association, Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir:
A letter just received from the Agent at Camden, J.L. Thorp Esq. represents Mr. Scoville as very successful in his school there and states that he has 110 pupils enrolled, and needs an assistant. I am assured that board for a lady could be secured and we are renting a building there which contains two rooms and would nicely accommodate two teachers. You will decide as to the propriety of sending a teacher so late in the season - it is my duty to represent the facts. We expect to build a good house at Camden this season (capacity 75 to 100 pupils) and also at Lewisville and Arkadelphia. They will be contracted in a few weeks. Our constitution is adopted, and if the bills now pending in Congress go through, we ought to have fifty schools in the state next year.
Very truly yours.
Wm Colby.
Supt. Education.
L.R. 132 - 1868
L.S. 54 - 1868

Little Rock, Arkansas
March 27th. 1868.

Thorp, J.L.
Agent etc.
Camden Ark.

Dr. Sir:
I have the honor to acknowledge yours of the 23rd inst:
I am glad to hear your very favorable opinion of Mr. Scovill and also to learn that his services are being appreciated by the colored people. I have informed Mr. Slipherd of the situation.