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I have the honor to state that I have authorized Mrs. Henrietta B. Miller to occupy the [[?]] school house in Galena from this time till the close of July, 1868, in case you deem it advisable to have any school in July; otherwise to the 30th of June only. 
Please instruct Mrs. Miller to use the Bureau Register, make monthly reports, and as far as she can consistently do so make her school a continuation of the school taught by the Misses Edwards.
I am Sir,
Very resp'y [[respectfully]]
Your obedient Servant
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education
S. S70-1868

Little Rock Ark.
May 8, 1868.

Alvord Rev. J.W
Washington D.C.
 I have the honor to request a supply of Ed. Form No.4, for use in Arkansas.
There are twenty-five (25) Agents in the State.
Very respectfully, 
Your obedient Servant,
Wm M. Colby.
Supt Education,

Little Rock, Ark.
May 9, 1868.-

Brien William ,
Agent. Etc.  
Jacksonport, Ark. 

I would respectfully state that Thomas Nowell, teacher on the John Williams place last year informs me that he has a Small demand against the freedmen of the place for services as a teacher, a portion of which the Agent assured him could be secured . Nowell is a very worthy young man now qualifying himself for teaching. Will you please aid him in securing this demand.
I have the honor to be, 
Very respectfully, 
Your obedient Servant,
Wm M. Colby, 
S.R. 160-1868

Little Rock, Arkansas
May 11th 1868

Bennett, Lieut Jno E. 
A.A.A. General

I am this day in receipt of a letter from A. E. Habicht, Agent at Arkadelphia, from which the following is an extract : 
"Plans and specifications for the school building have been received by last mail x x x but parties are not prepared to file their bids owing to the kind of lumber required can not be procured here."
As the kind of lumber required is the yellow pine of the country and as, other things being equal, it is better to have bids from the place where the house is located I respectfully suggest that the time for receiving bids be extended ten days to give opportunity for explanations and the reception of bids from that point.