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Little Rock Ark.
July 3rd 1868
Dickinson Joseph.
Sec'y Ind. Y. M. of Friends,
Richmond, Ind.
In reply to your favor of the 25" ult. received last evening, I have to say that I this day forward plan and specifications for a school house at the orphan Asylum near Helena for the approval and action of the Assistant Commissioner.
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Education.

Little Rock July 7. 1868.
Morrison James,
Little Rock. Ark.
I am now waiting your report for June which is some days over due. As you leave heretofore been informed, blanks can always be had at this office upon application therefor. When such application is not made, failure to fill up and forward report in season can not be excused. If I am compelled to write for your report each month I shall hereafter feel obliged to forward my communications through military channels.
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Education.

Little Rock Ark.
July 10" 1868.
Alvord Rev. J.W.
Gen'l Supt Freedmen's Schools,
Washington, D.C.-
Dear Sir,
I have the honor to enclose herewith, direct to your office, my report of Schools for the months of June and July, 1868.
Very respectfully Yours.
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. of Education for Ark.

Little Rock, Ark.
July 10. 1868.-
Thorp J.L. Agent.
Camden, Ark.
As the specifications for the Camden School house were drawn in this office, and as you are Special Inspector of the building, I take the liberty to call your attention to the following items:
1. It is specified that the chimney shall be 2 1/2 feet above ridge of roof. This is not enough. it should, I think, be about 4 feet to operate well, and be safe.
2. It is specified that Holbrook's liquid Slate shall be used for the blackboard. I am particular as to this because it is the only reliable and really good liquid slate in use. I enclose a slip showing where it can be obtained, and the manner of applying it.-
Respectfully yours,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Education