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Little Rock Ark.
July 20, 1868.

Cooper S.F.
Van Buren, Ark.
I am glad to learn by your favor of the 14th, just received, that ground has been secured at Van Buren on which to build a school house for freedmen.
Please forward a copy of the deed to this office and in doing so it would be well to make formal application for assistance in building a house.
How much can the freedmen do toward building the house?
I am, Sir,
Very respectfully
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt Education.

Little Rock Ark.
July 22, 1868.
Bennet Lieut Jno E.
A.A.A. General
Little Rock, Ark.
I have the honor to transmit herewith my full report of Schools for the months of June and July 1868.
In compliance with a request from Gen'l Howard's Hd. Qr's copies of these reports were forwarded direct to Supt. Alvord at Washington D.C. on the 10th of the present month. 
Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant.
Wm M. Colby
Supt. of Education. 


Little Rock Ark.
July 22. 1868.
Witter S.F.
Republic, O.
Dear Sir:
Your favors of the 8th and 13th inst. are received. As some of your enquiries are covered by my former letter I beg to repeat with emphasis what I there wrote and will answer, in order, your other enquiries:
1. The American Missionary Association has supplied teachers to this state for two years past and is a good agency. Rev. J.R. Shipherd, 29 Lombard Block Chicago, Ill. is Secretary. 
2. It is impossible to tell just what portion of the traveling expense government transportation will cover. R.R. & Steamboat agents allow what they please. Railroads that accept them usually take them for the full fare - Steamboats from one-third to two-thirds the fare.
3. Transportation orders will be furnished, if at, before teachers start to the field - but not before the first of October. 
4. Your church letter will be a sufficient recommendation to me, and will of course be returned to you.
5. The young lady-Miss Burgstresser-must be known to some evangelical clergyman who would be glad to give her a recommendation in addition to your own. Not being a member of a church she could not come through the Association named above, but I shall most gladly welcome her if she is morally and intellectually what you recommend her to be.
In a work of this nature we must necessarily be guarded as we are liable to great imposition.
6. The first of October is early enough to start unless you have plenty of money to pay expenses while lying idle.