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7. The best paying schools this year are in the south part of the state.  One lady in extreme S.W. part of the state collected $25.00 a month besides board; and a gentleman at Camden (see maps) $100.00 paying his own board which was about $1.25 a day. These are the highest-most of our schools have paid less than 50 per cent of teacher's salary and expenses. The largest 
8. The largest schools are in the largest towns, and all occupied; but the best paying schools are in small towns or on plantations There will be room and labor for you here, and I shall be glad to welcome you both. Better secure another lady to accompany Miss Burgstresser. 
Resp'y Yours, 
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education 

# 114                  
Little Rock, Ark.
July 23, 1868
Boss Thomas, 
Hot Springs, Ark.
Dr. Sir, 
If you can raise $100.00 toward a school house I will recommend that you have $400.00 from the Bureau. Let the funds you raise be placed in the hands of your treasurer if you have one, and write me. 
The Bureau may be discontinued in this state in three months - Congress has decided that it shall not continue beyond the first of January at farthest. 
Please inform me what board will cost a teacher, and whether you have secured lease of land for school house,
Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. of Education


Little Rock, Ark.
July 23rd 1868.
Cunningham A.G.
Columbia, Ark.
Dear Sir,
An acknowledgement of yours of the 1st has been delayed a few days by my absence from the city.
I am pleased to learn that progress is being made in your county, and I hold myself in readiness to aid you promptly when the proper time arrives.
Push matters with diligence, as the Bureau may be closed out in a few months and the proffered aid be lost.
Very respectfully
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt Education

Little Rock, Ark.
July 23rd 1868.
Brian William,
Jacksonport, Ark.
The appropriation asked for in your favor of the 8th inst., to wit: $16.00 per month to pay rent of a School house at Jacksonport has been authorized by the Asst. Com. on condition that the teacher make monthly reports to this office.
I have the honor to be
Very respectfully,
Your Obt Servt.
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt. of Education