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Little Rock Ark.
Aug. 3rd 1868.
Cooper S. F.
Van Buren, Ark.
Since my letter of the 20th ult. the Ass't Commissioner has, in compliance with the action of Congress and orders from Gen'l Howard, decided to authorize no further appropriations for School houses in Arkansas. This action is equally as unexpected to me as it can be to yourself and to the colored people of Van Buren. I advise that the lots be held until such time as the School authorities of the town will purchase and erect a house on them, which ought to be within one year.
Respectfully yours,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt of Education. 

Little Rock. Ark.
Aug. 6th 1868.
Barker E.G.
Marion, Ark.
Dear Sir,
I am directed by the Ass't Commissioner to inform you that in compliance with the action of Congress and instructions from the Commissioner, no further appropriations for school houses will be authorized in this district.
Very respectfully,
Your Obdt Serv't.
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt. Education


Little Rock, Ark.
Aug. 6th 1868.
Dickinson Joseph.
Sec'y, etc.,
Richmond, Ind.
I am directed by the Ass't Commissioner to inform you that in compliance with the action of Congress and instructions from the Commissioner no further appropriations for school houses will be authorized in this district.
Respectfully yours,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. of Education.

Little Rock, Ark.
Aug 7" 1868.
Watson. J.T. Agent.
Helena, Ark.
I am authorized by the Ass't Commissioner to say in reply to yours of the 10th ult. that no more school houses will be erected from funds of the Bureau in this state.
I have the honor to be
Very resp'y, etc.
Wm. M. Colby
Supt Education.