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Early in October and the remainder as soon thereafter as their services are needed.
I take pleasure in adding here, what will as gratifying to you as to myself, that the school work of the Bureau, including School house building, will be resumed without much delay and continued till the first of January 1869.
Respectfully Yours,
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt of Education.

Little Rock Ark.
Sept. 3rd 1868.
Bass Thomas
Hot Springs, Ark.
Dear Sir:
Please ask your teacher to fill up one of the blanks which I enclose to you today at the end of each month, commencing with the month of August.
The school work will be resumed again and I wish to know the present condition of your school with a view to adapting our aid to your wants. How is your teacher succeeding? Could you find work for and pay another teacher with aid to the amount of $20.00 a month in the way of rent of building?
Respy & truly yours,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. of Education 


Little Rock Ark. Sept. 8. 1868.-
Pennewit, George & others,
Trustees of Freedmen's School,
Van Buren, Ark.-
I have good news for you - take courage - School house building is to be resumed in Arkansas and the erection of and at Van Buren we hope to reach in a few weeks, provided you still retain the lots.
Please let me hear from you.
Very Resp'y, Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Education.

Little Rock Ark.
Sept 8" 1868.-
Shipherd Rev. J.R.
Secy Am. Miss. Associatn
Dear Sir:
I enclose herewith a statement of the location and number of new freedmen school houses, the capacity of each, and the no. of teachers required in them and desire to know to what extent you can certainly supply us with teachers the present autumn. More school houses are to be built, repaired and rented and by next January we shall need as many more teachers I hope.
Crop prospects are very flattering, and nothing it seems now need prevent an extension of our work in Ark. Save the election of S. & B. and the devilish spirit of the people.
I have tendered to Miss Getman the principalship of the Helena School if She desires it and have secured transportation for two teachers from Northern Ohio.