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Little Rock. Ark.
Oct. 21st 1868.
Getman Miss D.F.
Pine Bluff.
I forward Register and blanks to day.
The school should be opened tuition free, but a small num - say 25 or 50 cents a month, to be regulated by the School Board - should be paid by cash scholar having a seat in the house, to defray incidental expenses including fuel. Paupers alone to be exempt from this tax.
I trust you will find an agreeable boarding place and have a pleasant and full school.
Resp'y & truly Yours,
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt. Edn.

Little Rock, Ark.
Oct 24. 1868.
Gibbons Hon. J.J.
Perryville, Ark.
Dear Sir:
The facts contained in yours of the 21st are very gratifying. I would say in reply that upon receiving an authenticated copy of the deed to the school site mentioned - the same being suitable and central - the erection of a suitable school house will be recommended. Meanwhile if the colored people and their friends will start a school under a teacher qualified according to the new law we will render pecuniary aid in the way of rent or otherwise.
Please inform me as to the cost and kind of labor and material


for building purposes.
Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. of Edn.

Little Rock, Ark.
Oct. 24, 1868.
Dewolf H.C.
Pine Bluff, Ark.
Dr. Sir:
The amount stipulated to be paid teachers by the Aid Societies will be paid mainly by the Bureau, but in what way or on whose voucher we are not yet informed. The arrangement is to have our teachers qualify under the new State law, thus entitling their schools to any support the state may extend also.
In a note to Miss G. I have suggested that 25 to 50 cents a month be required from cash pupil having a seat in the school to be used in paying for crayons, fuel, janitor's services and other incidental expenses. Please let Mrs. D. take one of the rooms, and open a correspondence with Shipherd concerning terms and details. The school should be announced as a free school and the house filled up from the first.
Please interest yourself in securing and forwarding monthly report at the end of this month both from Miss. G. and her assistant and from Byers. B. may object to reporting but we have repaired his house and shall insist upon a report each month.
Very Respy,
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt Edn