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Little Rock, Ark.
Oct. 30th 1868.
Young J.R. Esq.
Camden, Ark.
In reply to yours of the 27th I would respectfully refer you to my note addressed to Walker Hodges on the 11th ultimo, and will further state that Jas. A. Scovill so popular with the colored people last year was at their request re-assigned to Camden, but has since disappeared.
On the 19th I was advised that Rev. Thos. Hughes & wife were under immediate orders and perhaps en route for Camden; but whether they will be frightened back, be slain by the Ku Klux or reach their destination I confess my inability to inform you.
If there seem to be neglect in this matter at this office I beg to assure you in the language of the poet that "Things are not what they seem."
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt Edn.

Little Rock, Ark.
Oct. 30th 1868.
Alvord Rev. J.W.
Gen'l Sup't Schools,
Washington, D.C.
Sir, I have the honor to request a supply of 50 School Registers.
Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt Edn.


Little Rock, Ark.
Oct. 31st 1868.-
Cunningham A.G.
Agent BR.F. & A.L.,
Columbia, Ark.
In reply to yours of the 21st just at hand, I would say in addition to information contained in Cir. 21 of last year that when an authenticated copy of a trust deed covering and conveying a warranty title to a suitable school site is received here the Disbursing Office of the Bureau will proceed to build the house, relieving you of all responsibility in the premises. Parties conveying land for school sites need no other assurance than the promise of the Government, which is presumed to be good.
Very respectfully, 
Wm. M. Colby
Supt Edn.-

Little Rock, Ark.
Nov. 3rd 1868.
Bardwell Rev. J.P.
Agent A.M.A.
Vicksburg, Miss.
I enclose herewith vouchers for transportation of James D. Lyman from Wis. to Ft. Smith together with two unused transportation orders with his reasons for their non-use endorsed thereon. Please sign the vouchers as agent of the A.M.A. and forward to the proper officer at Washington for payment.
Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Edn