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Little Rock, Ark.
Nov. 4. 1868.-
Smith Hon. Thos.
St. Supt. Pub. Instruction,
Little Rock, Ark.
Having been called upon by the Gen'l Supt. of Schools in this department for Information as to the provision actually made for the establishment of common Schools, I have the honor to enquire to what extent white and colored schools have been established under the free school law of the state of Arkansas.
I Am, Sir,
Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Edn

Little Rock, Ark.
Nov. 4. 1868.
Stewart Hon. Wm. A.
Circuit Supt. Pub. Instruction
Dardanelle, Ark.,
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of yours of 29th ultimo transmitting list of school district trustees in places where freedmen's schools can be maintained.
Information of this nature is always gratefully received. It should be understood, however, that local work preliminary to establishing schools for freedmen must be performed by local officers and the friends of the colored people in the several localities.
As Circular 21, 1867, is quite explicit as to what is required, but few words are necessary in addition thereto to answer fully the enquiries of yourself and other parties desiring to extend school facilities


among the freedmen.
1. Trustees should examine carefully the title to grounds conveyed for school purposes, and forward an authenticated copy of the deed to this office with request for aid in building a school house.
2. When land can not be secured as above without delay trustees may rent a building, reporting to this office the monthly rental and to whom payable.
In some cases friends of the colored people will be found willing to allow the use of plantation or other buildings for a nominal sun or free of charge, allowing the rental to go directly for the support of the school.
3. It is better for each locality to secure its own teacher wherever a competent person of sterling morality can be found. No other will be encouraged by this department.
4. Communications from trustees should pass through the hands of the Bureau Agent, wherever practicable and receive his endorsement.
Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Edn.

Little Rock, Ark.
Nov. 4. 1868.
Goodrich Miss L.L.
Hillsboro Ohio,
In reply to yours of Oct. 26th I geb to say that transportation was sent you or rather I applied for transportation for yourself & Miss Partridge at the request of Mr. L.E. Wright of the office of the State Supt. of Pub. Instruction who will, I trust, make fuller explanation.
Respectfully, Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Edn. -