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Little Rock, Ark.
Nov. 7th 1868.

Thomas A.D. Esq.
Lewisburg, Ark.

Dear Sir,
In reply to yours of Oct 31st I have the honor to enclose Circulars conveying full information on the subject of which you write. We shall be pleased to extend aid to a school at Lewisburg or vicinity on conditions set forth in Cir. 21, and my letter to W. A Stuart, Es
With thanks for your interest in this matter, I am
Very respectfully, etc,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Edn.

Little Rock, Ark.
Nov. 9. 1868.

Dewolf H.C.
Pine Bluff, Ark.

Dear Sir,
In reply to yours of the 6" I would say that the establishment of a night school at this time would be likely to operate unfavorably upon the day school. Our night schools have very generally failed for want of patronage, but I shall favor one at Pine Bluff whenever the school rooms are constantly filled during the day, which ought to be at once. Let something like the enclosed notice be published and read in the Sab. School and churches.
Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Edn.


Little Rock, Ark.
Nov. 7, 1868.

Clark Mr. Thomas,
Roseville, Ark.

Dear Sir,
In reply to yours of the 3rd I would respectfully say that action will be promptly taken in this case when the requirements of the enclosed Circulars are complied with.
In your next please state the cost of labor and building material, and whether a good log house could not be cheaply built in your locality.
Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt Edn.

Little Rock, Ark.
Nov. 11. 1868.

Smith Hon. Thomas,
Supt. of Pub. Instruction,
Little Rock, Ark.

Dear Sir:
Will you have the kindness to furnish this office with such Circulars, reports, and blank forms as have been printed by your department or may hereafter be issued by you.
I shall be glad to reciprocate favors of this kind if anything of value to you should be printed by this department.

Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. of Edn.