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Little Rock, Ark.
Feby 13th 1869.

Circular Letter.
Please state when you forward your report for February whether you find intemperance prevailing among the colored people or not, and whether you have a temperance society in connection with your day or Sabbath School with an anti-tobacco clause in the pledge. Also please observe the blanks in your monthly report- "amount paid this month", (tuition and incidental money) and, Have you a temperance society? etc. 
Very truly yours, 
Wm. M. Colby,
Ass't. Supt. Ed'n.

Little Rock. Ark.
Feby 19. 1869

Henderson E. E.
Circuit Supt.
Yours of the 13th is received. You have our thanks for your recognition of Mr Lyman as a public school teacher in the Ft Smith Dist. You will find him worthy and competent.
An application for payment of rent for School room at Fayetteville, (naming the amount required and to whom payable) will, I am confidant, be favorably considered by the Ass't Commissioner. Monthly reports will be expected while payment of rent continues. We will send blanks and a register by mail when notified.
Very respectfully
Wm. M. Colby
Asst. Supt. of Sch's