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[[no entries]]


Little Rock, Ark.,
Jany 11th 1869.

Clark Eliza
Helena, Ark. 

In compliance with your request of January 4th inst. I herewith transmit two dozen (24) teachers' report blanks. 

Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby,

Little Rock, Ark.
Jan'y 11th 1869.

Getman Miss D. F.
Pine Bluff, Ark., 

Yours of the 8th is before me. I advise no change while your numbers continue as at present, and I have no doubt they will increase to 75 or 100 by the close of the month.

May I suggest that Camp's Intermediate be the first and only book of Geography used in the colored schools - such was my plan after having the subject for some time under advisement. Oral instruction may very properly supply the place of a primary book and both time and expense be saved thereby. I will procure Greene's Introduction - a very good book - and forward you to morrow if to be found in town; otherwise will order them to you from the north by mail. 

Very Truly Yours,
Wm. M. Colby,
Ass't Supt. of Schools. 

Transcription Notes:
capitalized Greene's "Introduction" = book title