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Little Rock, Ark
February 3rd, 1869

Holmes, Miss P.A.
Pine Bluff, Ark.

I shall take pleasure in forwarding any package that may be sent here for you.

Very truly,
Wm. M. Colby
Ass't Supt. of Schools


Little Rock, Ark.
February 5th, 1869

Smith, L. H. Brevet Maj. General, Ass't Com.
Little Rock, Ark.


I have the honor to enclose a letter from Mrs. Alida Clark, matron of the orphan asylum near Helena Ark. asking authority to retain five (5) stoves, property of the Bureau of R.F. and A.L. the removal of which from the school room and asylum would occasion great discomfort.

As stoves are being supplied to school rooms elsewhere I would respectfully recommend that her request be favorably considered.

Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby
Asst. Supt. of Schools



Little Rock, Ark.
February 6th, 1869

Hand Miss P.A.
Batesville, Ark.

I send you today copy of Camp's Intermediate as requested. I recommend that you write a no [[A. No. A.?]] concerning the maps spoken of.  Mr. E. K. Miller left two sets of maps in this city but not in my charge.  One of them was donated to a personal friend of his.  I would try to secure and send the other set to you if I had orders to do so from the Secretary.

Very truly,
Wm. M. Colby
Ass't Supt of Schools


Little Rock, Ark.
February 10, 1869

Smith, L. H. Brevet Maj. Gen'l.
Little Rock, Ark.


I have the honor to report that in pursuance of instructions I have visited De Vall's Bluff and ascertained  the condition of the building which it is proposed to use for a school house at that place, and for which an estimate of repairs was forwarded on the 2nd visit.  I find the repairs are all needed as represented but the freedmen have no title whatever to the land on which the house stands.  Parties there propose to comply with conditions embraced in Circular No. 30, dated Dec. 31, 1867, in respect to ground title and then ask that the repairs be made.

Very respy, Your ob't Servant,
Wm. Colby
Asst Supt of Schools