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Little Rock, Ark.,
May 24, 1869

Millen Hon. H. A., Supt. 9th Dist.,
Camden, Ark.


Failing to see you as you passed through this city I take the liberty to address you concerning the freedmen's schools at Camden and Washington, and to learn if possible why those schools alone of all the colored schools in the state should still be conducted at the expense of the freedmen and by the aid of northern charity.  From my stand-point it would seem the fault of the Trustees, if such officers exist, but I lack information on this point.

I beg to say that it was understood last autumn between the American Missionary Association, the State Board of Education and myself, that freedmen Schools found in successful operation in Gov't buildings were to be recognized at once as public schools.  This understanding has been carried out at all points except those named above.  It was only upon condition of receiving state patronage that the A.M.A. was induced to send teachers to Ark.

May I not hope that these teachers will receive certificates, and their schools receive State patronage for at least six months of the current school year?

I am very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education



Little Rock, Ark.,
May 24, 1869.

Fulton Levi T. Esq.,
Lymans, Pope Co. Ark.-

Dear Sir:-

Yours of the 16th April is before me.

If the colored people of your district do not choose to accept aid from the Government in the manner indicated they must be the sufferers, as no other terms can be made.  I know of no law whereby freedmen as such can be taxed to build school houses, though the entire body of the people of the district at the school meeting can and ought to tax themselves for that object.  One freedman in this county is building a school house on his own responsibility which we will pay him rent for when the school is started.

Wm. M. Colby,
Supt of Education.


Little Rock, Ark.
May 25, 1869.

Balloch Gen. Geo. W.
Chief Dist. Officer.
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to enclose herewith vouchers for pay of myself, clerk, and for