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and aid you in establishing schools at other points in your Dist. by paying rent of buildings where it may be necessary.
Respectfully & truly yours,
Mr. M. Colby,
Supt. of Education.

#83. / Little Rock, Ark.
June 22, 1869.
Fishbourne Thos. M.
Little Rock, Ark.,

I reply to yours of the 14th has been delayed on account of my absence from the city.
The Public School Trustee of [[?]] Township is the proper person for you to negotiate with after receiving a certificate from Supt. [[?]]. We will, if necessary, aid the Trustee to the amount of ten dollars a month toward supporting the school, by way of rent for the school house: conditional that the teacher report promptly the statistics of the school at the end of each month on blanks furnished from this office.
Very respectfully,
Mr. M. Colby,
Supt. of Ed. 

#84. / Little Rock Ark.,
June 23rd 1869.
Balloch Gen. Geo. W.
Chief Disb. Officer B.R.F.&U.L.
Washington, D.C.

I have the honor to enclose herewith vouchers for the payment of the salary of myself and clerk for the month of June, 1869.
Very respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant,
Mr. M. Colby,
Supt. of Education

#85 / Little Rock, Ark.
June 23rd 1869.
Clark, S. N.
Asst Tr. A.M.A.
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir:
I am very grateful for the half fare tickets enclosed in yours of the 11th, and also for the copy of certificate sent.
I have invited the teachers at Pine Bluff [[?]], and Washington to meet at my house for a little rest before departing for home.
Yours very truly,
Mr. M. Colby,
Supt. Ed.