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Little Rock Ark. 
July 5, 1869.
Brunson R.A.
Columbus Ark.
I enclose check no. 652 in your favor for rent of school house for month of May, 1869.
Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Ed.

Little Rock.Ark,
July 5,1869.
Ballock Geoff.
Chief Dist.Officer, Etc.
Washington D.C. -
I have the honor to enclose vouchers for rent of school houses for the month of June 1869, in favor of [[?]] L. Rush ($10.00) and J.P. Bardwell ($60.00)
Very Respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt. of Education for Ark.

Little Rock Ark.
July 6th 1869.
Balloch Geoff.
Chf Dist. Officer,
Washington, D.C.
I have the honor to enclose herewith vouchers for payment of rent as follows:
In favor of Richard Bragg for rent of office for June, 1869, $250.00. In favor of Peter Hanger for rent of school house for May, 1869, $10.00. - 
Very Respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt Ed.

Little Rock, Ark.
July 6th 1869.
Genl. [[?]] Howard,
Inspector of Schools. Etc, B.R.F. & A.L.
Chicago, Ill. -
Your favor of 28th [[?]] is just now at hand. Pressing office duties will detain me in this city for several days rendering it impossible to make the proposed exploration and report by the [[?]], but I shall be very glad to aid you in the manner indicated as soon as I can possibly do so without neglecting my legitimate duties here, if that will answer your purpose. I have the honor to be,