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Very respectfully,
your obedient Servant,
Wm M. Colby,
Supt. Edu. 

#97 Little Rock, Ark. 
July 8, 1869
Alvord Rev. J.W.
Genl Supt. Schools, 
Washington, D.C.
I have the honor to request a supply of Three Hundred (300) copies of Ed. Form No. 3, for use in Arkansas.
Very respectfully, 
Your obedient Servant, 
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Edu.

#98 Little Rock, Ark. 
July 10, 1869.
Casey D.C.
Supt. 8th Dist.
Arkadelphia, Ark.
Dear Sir, 
Mrs Stuart has informed you of her failure to secure any pay at Washington and given you the reason for such failure. It is a little remarkable that the Supt of the 9th Dist. Should state positively, in writing that Mrs. S, holds his certificate. However, Dr Smith has kindly


come to her aid in the emergency and granted her a certificate which I herewith enclose as also duplicate contract, (blank) with her signature attached. I enclose to you because you are acquainted with the parties and all the circumstances in the case, and will soon visit Washington in person as I learn from Mrs. S.
Should you remit any funds either to Mrs Stuart or myself please use P.O. orders. I have a favorable opinion of the Camden teachers - they possess real merit but no great amount of push.
Hope you had a pleasant trip home, and that our lady friend will have no occasion to regret the undertaking.
Teachers departed this morning.
Very resp'y
Wm M. Colby
Supt Edu

#99. Little Rock, Ark. 
July 12, 1869
Baber Sarah E.
Columbus Ark.
Yours of the 5th is rec'd. The vouchers for May were both properly returned to me and I have sent Dr. Bronson check for ten dollars for May rent.
Please forward the voucher for June which you retained - it is essential before payment can be made. I rejoice that your