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of these parties for their term of service or any part of the same on the ground that they have already received double pay, to wit: First, from the patrons of the school, and second, from the society they represent.

The first three of the above propositions being admitted I have only to notice the fourth.

In assuming that these teachers have been twice paid it is evident that you are laboring under a misapprehension.  I have been in correspondence with the educational societies and their teachers for more than three years and may be presumed to have a fair comprehension of the scope of their operations and to understand something of the spirit in which their work is carried on, and I respectfully state that teachers are prepared to account to their patrons, and to others interested, for every dollar received, and statements of the same are made monthly to the secretary of the society, and to this office. They are guaranteed a nominal salary, merely, and their expenses. Whether the identical funds received as tuition are applied in payment of this salary or all paid into the Treasury of the society is, of course, a matter of no consequence to them or to others.

The expense of the Camden teachers from the time of leaving home till their return was $417.00.  They received from their patrons in excess of amount paid for fuel and incidental expenses the sum of $145.85, or


$16.45 each per month while the school was in session.  Should the Trustee pay them jointly $150.00 a month for three months only, there would still be a deficit of about $200.00 to be met by the society.

While I go beyond the purview of my strictly official duties in giving these details I do it cheerfully, hoping thereby to aid you in coming to correct conclusions, that you may do justice to yourself and all parties concerned. Other towns in the state - Helena, Batesville, Ft. Smith, Little Rock - have, under similar circumstances to those existing at Camden, paid the teachers of the colored schools for six and eight months service, the same being done in pursuance of an agreement between the State Board of Education and this office, made in September last.

In view of the foregoing, and of the additional facts that your district has been furnished with a school house without cost; that this school is the only public school maintained during the school year in the district; and that Dr. Smith, the State Superintendent, who is the interpreter of the school law, takes the same view of the matter as myself, I trust you will see your way clear to execute the proper legal instruments (through Supt. Millen) with Mr. & Mrs Hughes for the payment of at least three months salary at $150.00 a month.

Very resp'y, Your obedient Servant,
Wm M Colby
Supt. of Education, B.R.F. & A.L.
For Ark.