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Little Rock, Ark.
July 19, 1869.
Howard Bt May. Gen'l O.O.
Commissioner, Bu. R.F.&A.L.,
Washington D.C. -


I have the honor respectfully to request permission to be absent from my district about thirty (30) days from the 10th day of August next, for the purpose of attending the Annual Meeting of the National Teachers' Association at Trenton, N.J.-

I am very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt of Education.


Little Rock.Ark,
July 19, 1869.

Howard C. H.
Dist. Sec'y A.M.A. Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir,

The teachers of the A.M.A. in Arkansas the present year having without Exception proved every way competent and entirely worthy, I respectfully but Earnestly request the return of the same persons the Ensuing fall.  While no Effort has been spared to aid the Association financially in all legiteimate ways, we Expect to do Better [[strikethrough]] the present [[/strikethrough]] next year. We need thirteen teachers [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] in the Bureau & A.M.A. buildings alone in the fall. I will write


more fully hereafter.

Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Education.

Little Rock. Ark
July 24th 1869

Balloch, Gen'l. Geo. W.
Chief Disb. Officer B.R.F. and A.L.
Washington D. C.

I have the honor to Enclose herewith vouchers for the pay of myself and my clerk, and for rent of office for month of July, 1869.

Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. of Education.

Little Rock, Ark.
July 24, 1869.

Howard C. H. (Telegram.)
38 Lombard Block, Chicago, Ill.

I find the Situation unfavorable for missionary operation, among Chickasaws. Particulars by mail.
Wm M. Colby.

Transcription Notes:
I don't know how to underline text or how to indicate crossed out words. Transcription instruction cover these issues: Don't worry about underlined text and see instructions for how to indicate cross out words.