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#117. Little Rock, Ark;
Aug. 2, 1869.
Alvord Rev. J.W.
Gen'l Supt. Schools
Washington D.C.
I have the honor to request that the following supplies, to wit:
50 School Registers
30 Manual on School Houses,
150 Teachers Report blanks be sent to Hon. M.H. Wygant [[?Cir]] Supt of Schools Helena Ark. 
Should this be irregular the amount of this order may be added to my order of this date. Mr. Wygant is doing a noble work in his district.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education.   

#118 Little Rock Ark
Aug. 4. 1869
Bardoell Rev. J.P.
Ag't AMA Oberlin Ohio
Dear Sir,
I enclose S.H. Tucker's check No. 11200 in your favor for Sixty Dollars to pay sent of A.M.A, School houses in Arkansas for month of June, 1869.
Resp'y & truly yours,
Wm. M. Colby Supt. Ed.


#119 Little Rock, Ark.
Aug. 4, 1869
Henderson Hon. E.E.
Fayetteville, Ark.
Sir: - 
Yours of 27" July is received. We will allow ten dollars a month for rent of freedmen's school house at Fayetteville.
Please have the owner of the building sign & return the enclosed receipts and with them state the no. of pupils enrolled. The enclosed teachers reports should be filled, signed and forwarded my bu the 25th of each month or rent for that month will necessarily be with held. 
Very respectfully, etc. 
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education.

#120 Little Rock, Ark. 
Aug. 5, 1869.
Mason Hon. E.W.
Supt. Education,
New Orleans, La.
Dear Sir:
Yours of July 4" would certainly have received attention earlier had I not been almost constantly on the wing since its reception. I shall be pleased to correspond with you concerning the school work and possibly may visit the "Crescent City" next fall or winter (over)