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#128 Little Rock Ark
August 9th 1869

Balloch Gen'l Geo. W.
Chief Dist. Officer
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to enclose the following certified and receipted vouchers for payment to wit:
R.A. Branson, Rent of School house July '69 $20.00.

Very respectfully
Your obedient servant
WmM Colby 
Supt Ed

#129 Little Rock Ark
August 9th 1869.

Whittelsey Genl. H.M.
A.A.A. Gen'l B.R.F. + A.L.
Washington D.C.


In reply to your favor of the 27th July requesting to be informed who will have charge of the Educational work in my absence I have the honor to say that I expect to return to my District within twenty-five days, but that any communications requiring action will receive attention from Mr. A.J. Thompson,


The late faithful and efficient Chief Clark of the Assistant Commissioner.

Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
WmM Colby 
Supt Education

#130 Little Rock Arkansas
August 9th 1869

Bardwell, Rev. J.P.
Agent A.M.A. Oberlin O.

Dear Sir,

Your favor of Aug 3rh is just at hand, I would say in reply that Gen. C.H. Smith the Asst Com. declined to approve vouchers for Apr. but they were afterward for'd by myself with explanation to Gen. Balloch who approved and paid them, + his check for $120.00 (Apr. + May rent) was forwarded from this office June 28th to you at Vicksburg, Miss. On Aug 4, S.H. Tucker's check no. 11. 200 for $60.00 was sent to your address at Oberlin Ohio. 

Very resp'y
WmM Colby
Supt. Education