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#131 Little Rock, Ark.
Aug 9th 1869

Rust, Rev. R.S.
Cor. Sec'y, Freedmen's Aid Soc. M.E. Church 
Cincinnati, Ohio

Dear Sir:
Your favor of the 5th enclosing an acct. for rental of two school houses at Little Rock Ark for payment is received.
In reply to respectfully state that the Asst. Com. has twice declined to pay rent for the house occupied by Mr. Brady for the reason that the government had erected a large and expensive building in the same neighborhood with ample accommodations for all the children, rendering more room unnecessary.
Miss J.E. Burgstresser had Bureau transportation hither and occupied a government building. She was employed by the City School Board at a large salary ($75.00 a month) and falling, as I think under, bad influences she declined to report her school to this officer and never did so, although the Bureau had ordered her and the school to a large amount. You are no doubt aware that when schools are aided by the Bureau it is expected that the statistics of the same will be reported to this office. In this call after large assistance from the Bureau the teacher failed to fill a simple blank for our use. Under the circumstances you will see the propriety of declining to entertain any 


further claims for assistance.

I am very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
WmM Colby
Supt of Education

#132 Little Rock Ark
Aug. 10, 1869.

Thomas Benj. Esqr,
Little Rock Ark.


During my husband's absence I should have to some extent charge of his business. A report is due from the teacher occupying the government school house, and as he claims to be responsible to the school board alone I write to ask if you will have the kindness to request him to furnish me with a report of his school for the month of July. I can give him a blank for that purpose.

For WmM Colby

#133 Little Rock Aug, 11, 69. 
Reyburn Rob't M.D.
Chief Medical Officer
Washington D.C.


I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the - inst enclosing circulars of the Medical Department of Howard University and to inform you that the