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Little Rock Ark Aug. 17, 69.

Alvord Rev. J.W.
Gen'l Supt Schools.
Washington, D.C.


I have the honor to transmit herewith the report of school buildings (Ed. Form No 6.) called for in your letter of the 10th inst.

Very respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant
(signed) A J Thompson 
In Mr Colby's absence

Little Rock Ark Aug. 17, 69.

Alvord Rev. J.W.
Gen'l Supt. Schools,
Washington D.C.


In the absence of Mr Colby who is attending the National Teachers' Association at Trenton, N.J. I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Circular letter of the 9th inst. in reference to reporting and to reply that from the records of his office & other data I am led to believe that all schools within the knowledge of the Superintendent have already been reported. 

Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
(signed) A.J. Thompson,
In Mr. Cosby's Absence.


Little Rock Ark. Aug. 20, 1869.

Hughes Thomas E.
Columbus Wis.

Dear Sir,

Your letter of Aug. 2nd was rec'd twelve days ago, just as Mr. Colby was about to leave for the East. He told me what reply to make but unfortunately I overlooked your letter till about two days ago. Mr. Colby wishes you would be willing to return and go again to Camden as you would thus be more likely to secure the amount due you there.

Mr. C. has written a long letter to the Camden trustee making making careful explanations but has as yet received no reply. The government no longer furnishes transportation to teachers. I think it was Mr. Colby's intention to see what could be done for you at De Valls Bluff when he returns from the convention at Trenton N.J. which he is now attending. Kind regards to yourself & wife.

Respectfully Yours,
(signed) M. J. G. Colby 

Little Rock Ark. Aug. 20, 1869.

Stuart Mrs. Mary B.

Dear Madam:

Yours of the 4th was received just as Mr. Colby was departing for the East. He requested me to acknowledge it and to inform you that he had written you in full a few days previously. Please excuse brevity as I am very much hurried. 

Cordially Yours
(signed) M.J.G. Colby

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-26 22:43:50