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#181 Camden Ark.
Oct. 11, 1869,

Clark S.N.
Asst. Tr. AMA
Chicago, Ill,
Dear Sir,
Yours of the 25" Sep. is at hand. I enclose memorandum agreement between C.L.Sutton and myself. In consideration of other parties occupying the school house (they being already in possession) Mrs. Stuarts pay was made larger. The term closes in December & I regret exceedingly that she could not be on the ground to take advantage of the liberal arrangement. I don't know as there is any choice between sending a substitute and waiting for her, as about #160.00 will be lost the present term in either case. Should Mrs. S. go down in Dec. she could get an increase of pay from $30.00 to $50.00 per month for three months of last term.
Camden will have to be given up for this year at least. The School Directors of the town have two teachers employed for freedmen for three months, and propose to vote three months more.
Everything is in the hands of the opposition here and so far I am unsuccessful in securing anything for Mr. Hughes. A suggestion that we might be compelled to charge rent for the school house, if the matter was not otherwise arranged, seemed


to mollify them in some degree. 
I leave for Little Rock at once.
Very respectfully, 
Wm M Colby
Supt Education

#182 Little Rock, Ark
Oct. 15" 1869.
Brown Col. J.M.
Chief Qr. Master B.R.F. & A.L.
Washington D.C.
In compliance with special instructions from your office dated October 2, 1869 I have the honor to enclose herewith Special Requisitions for fuel and for stationery for Fourth Quarter of 1869.
Very Respectfully, 
Your Obedient Servant, 
Wm M. Colby
Supt Education

#183 Little Rock Ark.
Oct 15 1869
Hughes Rev. Thomas
Columbus Wis.
Dear Sir:
Returning from a two weeks tour in the Southern part of the state I find yours of the 24" ult. 
All of the available points where