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a month for rent of school hours will be allowed while a school is kept up and reported promptly to this office on the blanks enclosed. Rent must be paid and school reports made by calendar months. The blanks enclosed are for September. Please have the teacher file and sign the school report and return it, together with vouchers which should be signed at bottom (the receipts) with name only -- all the rest left blank.
Very Respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby, Supt. Ed.

#196 L. Rock Ark. Oct. 22, 1869.
Alvord Rev. J.W.
Gen'l Supt. Education,
Washington D.C.
Herewith I have the honor to enclose my Report of Schools in Arkansas for September, 1869.
Very Resp'y Your obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby Supt. Ed.

#197 L. Rock Ark Oct. 22, 1869.
Taylor Thad. Esq.
Hot Springs Ark.
By request of Dr. Chrisman Supt. of Schools rent will be allowed for your freedmen School house while school continues. Please have the teacher fill, sign & return the enclosed Teachers blank for the month of Sept. & a similar one on the last day of each month for which rent is paid. You will please sign receipts at the bottom of the enclosed vouchers, with name only, and return to this office where the blanks will be filled.
Very resp'y
Wm. M. Colby Supt. Ed.  

L. Rock Ark. Oct. 23, 1869.
Stevenson A. Esq.
Searcy, White Co. Ark.
Dear Sir:
Supt. Chrisman States that you need aid for your freedmen School. At his request I write you and enclose blanks for September. The teachers blanks should be filled for that month and signed by teacher or trustee -- the vouchers should be signed by the trustee (the receipts) with name only, and returned as soon as may be to this office.
Respectfully yours,
Wm. M. Colby Supt. Ed.

#199 L.R. Oct. 23rd 1869.
Deener R.H. Esq.
West Point White Co. Ark.
Dear Sir: By request of Supt. Chrisman you will be allowed ten dollars a month for rent of freedmen's school house while school continues beginning with Sept.; but the enclosed teacher report must be filled & signed by teacher for that month, and the receipt at foot of the enclosed voucher filled and signed by trustee. The same will be necessary each month while rent is paid. Please return the papers promptly in the enclosed pre-paid envelope addressed to myself.
Very respy,
Wm. M. Colby Supt. Ed.