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#236 L. Rock Ark. Nov. 15, 1869.
Jones J.M.
Jones' Landing Crittn. Co. Ark.
Sir: - Find enclosed herewith P.O. Order on Memphis for $10 to pay school house rent for month of August 1869.
Very resp'y
Wm.M. Colby
Supt. Ed.

#237 L. Rock Ark Nov. 15, 1869.
Blackwood John O.
Osceola, Miss. Co. Ark.
Sir: - I herewith enclose order on Memphis P.O. for ten dollars ($10.00) to pay rent of school house for August, 1869.
Very Respectfully
Wm M Colby
Supt. Ed.

#238 L. Rock Ark. Nov. 16. 1869.
Casey D.C.
Hot Springs Ark.
Sir: I dislike to trouble you with other people's matters but should be glad if you could see and converse with Thad. Taylor, trustee of Hot Springs Dist. By Supt. Chrismans request I wrote him the 22nd Oct. concerning rent for the col'd school building enclosing blanks & giving the usual information in such cases, but have heard nothing from him. Very resp'y yours
Wm M Colby
Supt. Ed.


#239 L. Rock Nov. 16" 1869.-
Howard Gen. C.H.
Sec'y A.M.A. & Sp. Ag't Bu. R.F & A.L. Chicago, Ill.
General: -
I respectfully enclose report on School houses in my jurisdiction. The A.M.A. could probably negotiate for sites at Batesville, Van Buren, and Arkadelphia without much difficulty.
Improvements have been made on the lots at Batesville and Washington which would have to be paid for. The Camden site is beautiful and the house one of the best. Hodges the Prest. of the Board is a noble self-sacrificing man, but the turn matters have taken there has almost crushed his spirits. 
There is no better point for the AMA to do good than at Camden. Jett, Prest. of Bd. at Washington is a mercenary, stubborn man. I found him charging rent for our school house, the proceeds to go for other than educational purposes.
During my late tour I failed to meet the full Boards at the places visited, but enough to transact business in most cases. I suggested to each Board that now free schools are established they need not longer contribute private means in the way of school sites or otherwise, but that their schools should be supported wholly by tax upon property as other schools are. That in selling their lots to AMA for original cost and improvements they would not only receive back all they had advanced but would be positively assured