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Little Rock, Ark Nov. 21, 1869.
Gates Prof N. P.      
Supt. City Schools,
Little Rock, Ark.
The U. S. Government having expended $50000.00 in the erection of school buildings for the colored people in Arkansas requires of me a monthly consolidated report of the schools taught in them, this being the most practicable method for ascertaining the buildings are being used for school purposes.
I am at this late day- Nov. 21st- just in receipt of reports for October from three departments only of the Union School. If any good reason were known for the non-reception of the report from Miss Slatterly's department I should be glad to be mention of it in my report.
It seems to us that ten minutes work at the end of each month is not a large return for the use of our buildings. Even if teachers were wanting in professional interest sufficient to prompt them to contribute something to the common stock.
It may properly be stated here that we desire to co-operate heartily with all educational officers and agencies in the common cause.
Very Respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Ed.


L. Rock Nov. 22, 1869.
Balloch Gen. Geo. W.
Chief D. O. Bu. R F & A. L. 
Washington D. C.
I have the honor to enclose the following vouchers for school house rent:  
A A Homer July $10.00
W.W. Roberts August 10.00
Very respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Ed.

L. Rock Ark. Nov. 23rd, 1869.
Miller Hon. H. A.
Cir. Supt. 9# Dist.
Camden, Ark.

Dear Sir:
Your cheerful & timely response to my request for certain school statistics for the month of October encourages me to ask the same for November.
Respy & truly Yours,
Wm M Colby
Supt. Ed.