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Suggest that you should receive not less than Miss G., your predecessor was to have. 
Your attention is respectfully invited to the enclosed teachers report blank.
If I can aid you at any time please be free to command my services. 
Very truly,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt Education

#252 L. Rock Ark Nov. 26" 1869.
Lyman Prof James O.
Fort Smith, Ark.
Dear Sir:-
I will try to secure the compensation due you for two months service as teacher at Ft Smith a year ago, and which was guarranteed you by the Asst Commissioner
Please sign the enclosed receipts and return them to me with a statement of the amount due and the time of service.
Very respy,
Wm.M. Colby
Supt. Ed.


#253 L. Rock Ark Nov. 26, 1869
Balloch Gen. Geo. W.
Chief D.O. Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Washington D.C.
I have the honor to enclose herewith voucher for the pay of myself and clerk for November, 1869; also vouchers for office rent for November & October 1869.
Very respectfully, 
Your obedient Servant, 
Wm M. Colby, 
Supt Edn

#254 L. Rock Ark Nov. 29, 1869
Cummings Miss M.A.
Batesville, Ark.
Yours of the 24" is before me in which you speak encouragingly of your school. I consider it fortunate for all parties that the possession of the house was yielded without a resort to legal measures or military force. Most of the inquiries contained in your letter were answered in mine of the 24" and I have forwarded you report blanks and registers - the latter to be used or not as is most convenient for yourself. You should not fail to make a written contract with the trustee when Supt Gillem returns - retaining a copy of the same yourself - Stipulating the length of term and wages per month. Your school then becomes a free school under the control of the trustee & no tuition fee can be charged. Very resp'tfully,
Wm M Colby
Supt. Ed.