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L. Rock Ark. Dec. 11, 1869.
Hornor A.H.
Helena Ark.
Enclosed please find $10.00 to pay rent of freedmen's schoolhouse for July 1869.
Respectfully, Etc.
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Ed.

L. Rock Ark Dec 11, 1869.
Roberts W.W.
Trenton Ark.
Enclosed please find amount of rent for schoolhouse for month of August '69. ($10.00)
Very respectfully,
Wm M Colby
Supt. Ed.

L. Rock Ark. Dec. 12, 1869.
Clark Calvin
Helena, Ark.
Dear Sir:
Enquiry comes from Washington D.C. for one Isaac Queen (colored who came to Ark. to work for one Judge Jones and when last heard from was at helena. As you and Mrs. C. are quite extensively acquainted among the colored people you may possibly know or hear from him. He has a wife in Boston, at Lee Place, Phillips St.
Very respectfully,
Wm M. Colby 
Supt. Ed.


L. Rock Ark. Dec. 14, 1869.
Stuart Mrs. Mary B.
Washington Ark.
Dear Madam:- Yours of the 4" & 8" was rec'd yesterday.  I reply,
1. The schoolhouse is entirely under your control while you are teacher. It is expected that the local Board will coƶperate with and aid you but not otherwise interfere.
2. Teachers orders are paid by the county treasurer on whom they are drawn. See School law.
3. I will write Mr. Winn- will also write you more fully.
Very truly Yours,
Wm. M Colby 
Supt. Ed.

L. Rock Ark. Dec. 17" 1869.
Balloch Gen. Geo. W.
Chief Dist. Officer, B.R.F & A.L.
Washington, D.C. -
I have the honor to enclose herewith Report of Persons & Articles Employed and hired by me during the month of October '69.
Very respectfully,
Your Obedient servant,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt Education.