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L. Rock, Ark. Dec. 24" 1869.
Jefferson Matthew,
Union City, Ark.
Dear Sir:
I was much pleased to receive yours of the 4" and am glad to learn that the blackboard proves to be good. The reports by the hand of Mr. Cody were received & I hope I shall have a report of your present school promptly at the end of each month. Your letter does credit to the write-one who was educated in our Arkansas Schools; still it is not strange that a few errors occur. which by your invitation I point out on a separate sheet. May success attend your teaching, as well as your efforts to improve yourself.
Your friend,
Wm. M. Colby Dept. Ed.

L. Rock Ark. Dec. 28" 1869.
Brown Col Jno.
Chief Q. Master Bu. R.F. & A.L.
Washington D.C.
I have the to enclose herewith requisitions for fuel and for Stationery for my office for First Quarter of 1870.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant,
Wm. M Colby.
Dept. Education


L. Rock Ark. Dec. 30, 1869.
Stuart How. W.A.
Dardanelle, Ark.
Yours of the 24" is just received. I enclose teacher's blanks to your address to-day. Please cause the receipts to the enclosed voucher to be signed by the party to whom we are indebted for the school building and returned to this office.
Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt. Education.

L. Rock Ark. Dec. 31, 1869.
Clark G.N.
Asst. Tr. AM.A.
Pine Bluff. Ark.
An important matter is rece'd from Washington (D.C.) involving our school interests. Please stop over and I will come down next boat to consult.
Wm. M. Colby.