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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Names | Places | Pages |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Alvord J. W. |   | 32. 34. 35. 37. 51. 741/2. 81. 88. 89. 98. 126. 154. 157. 169. 170. 173. 174. 218. 225,235. 281. 294.  | 
| Aldermen, Bd. of L. Rock |   | 252. |
| Andrews M. L. |   | 14 |
| Association Am. Miss. |   | 12. 43. 89. 99,. 104. 111. 123. 151. 160. 166. 218. 221. 229. 237. 252. 272. 273. 277. |
| Balloch Geo. W. |   | 40. 41. 42. 44. 45. 52. 64. 67. 73. 76. 80. 84. 90. 91. 92. 101. 107. 108. 114. 117. 118. 119. 120. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 145. 153. 176. 188. 203. 204. 205. 212. 218. 227. 23. 236. 255. 263. 264. 278. 283. 284. 287. 292. 295. 317. 332. 333. 335. 334. 335. | 
| Brown J. M. |   | 11. 21. 54. 74. 85. 112. 113. 152. 215 265 274 275 317. 367. 306 | 
| Bennett Jno C. |   | [ 4. 5. ] |
| Bragg Richard |   | 40. 90. 132. 236. 295. |
| Baird |   | 177. 211. | 
| Bobo Albert |   | 204. 240. |
| Belden D. P. |   | 220. |
| Brand John |   | 255. 300. | 
| Barboser Joseph |   | 271. | 
| Brogan P. B. |   | 283. 324. | 
| Boyce M. C. |   | 22. |
| Barnes Wesley |   | 23. 40. 71. 80. 96. 178. 283. 31. 322. |
| Binford J. H. |   | 74 1/2. | 
| Bates Mr. |   | 111. | 
| Blackwood J. O. |   | 84. 119. 251. 318. | 
| Branch E. C. |   | 84. 109. 131. 134. 144. 147. 186. 203. 239. 255 299 | 
| Buchannan W. H. |   | 166. 208. |
| Board of Schl Directors | L. Rock | 16. | 
| Board of School Directors | Camden | 170. 270. | 
| Bd. of Sch. Directors | Pine Bluff | 266. | 
| Bd. of Education | State | 17. | 
| Bd. of Trustees | Helena | 58. | 
| Bd. of Trustees | N. Buren | 57. |  

A B C D E F G H J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

Transcription Notes:
formatted table per SI