Viewing page 5 of 348

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[[3 Columned Table]]
| Names | Places | Pages |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Commissioner | | 17. 18. 83. 273. 280. 282. | 
| Cummings M. A. | | |
| Cummingham M.A. | | 38. 111. 248. |
| Clark S.N. | | 3.16.19. 258. 266. 272. 282. 293. |
| Campbell J. | | 38. |
| Cody Wm | | 40. 199. 319. |
| Colby Wm M. | | 40. 132. 188. 236. 295. |
| Clark N.J.S. | | 40. 132. 188. 236. |
| Clark Calvin | | | 323. |
| Clark Calvin | | 46. 115. 141. 197. 223. 278. 283. 286 |
| Clark Alida | | 116. 121. |
| Clark S.I.| | 3. 244. [[strikethrough]] [[311]] [[/strikethrough]] |
| Cox Henry| |46. 80. 119. 184. 224. 317. |
| Conley Rob't (Same as Conley Rob't N.)| | 92. 119. 192. 289. |
| Couch T.A. | | 138. 155 |
| Catterson Cecil | | 144 |
| Chamberlin C.D. | | 213. 243. |
| Carhart L.W. | | 249. 308. |
| Cogbill W.H. | | 255. 304. | 
| Circular Letter | | 230. |
| Dano D.M. | | 255 298. |
| Deener R.H. | | 24. |
| Dickinson Joseph | | 15. |
| Dye Eli | | 119. 141. 148. 161. |